buildmenuitem menu, 16, 1600, 'output ~Inserted here...'\9'VMI', 'commandline VMI '\1'Execute a VM command, and have the output inserted into the current file',0,0
buildmenuitem menu, 16, 1601, 'output in ~New file...'\9'VMN', 'commandline VMN '\1'Execute a VM command, and see the output in a new file',0,0
buildmenuitem menu, 16, 1602, 'output in new ~window...'\9'VM', 'commandline VM '\1'Execute a VM command, and see the output in a new edit window',0,0
buildmenuitem menu, 16, 1620, '~Get a copy of host screen'\9'GETHOST', 'gethostd'\1'Insert a copy of the default host screen after the cursor line',0,0
buildmenuitem menu, 16, 1603, \0, '', 4, 0
buildmenuitem menu, 16, 1604, '~List host files...'\9'HLIST', 'hlistprompt'\1'Load a filelist of host files into an edit window',0,0
buildmenuitem menu, 16, 1605, \0, '', 4, 0
buildmenuitem menu, 16, 1606, '~Print current file on host...'\9'HOSTPRT', 'hostprt'\1'Print the current file on a host printer',0,0
buildmenuitem menu, 16, 1607, \0, '', 4, 0
buildmenuitem menu, 16, 1608, '~Query host for messages'\9'QMSG', 'qmsg'\1'Check to see if any new messages arrived since you started LAMSERV',0, 0
compile if YKT_SERVICES
buildmenuitem menu, 16, 1609, \0, '', 4, 0
buildmenuitem menu, 16, 1610, 'Look up p~hone number...'\9'PHONE', 'commandline Phone '\1'Invoke the Yorktown PHONE exec',0, 0
buildmenuitem menu, 16, 1611, 'Look up ~services...'\9'SERVICES', 'commandline Services '\1'Invoke the Yorktown SERVICES exec',0, 0